Fast weight loss remains an issue for many people. In the modern world and the global lack of free time, not everyone can pay enough attention to a figure. In this case, the so-called express diets come to the rescue. However, I would like for weight loss to be accompanied not only by weight loss, but also be beneficial for the whole body - and buckwheat can become a faithful and reliable assistant in this matter.
The benefits and harms of buckwheat diet
Despite the well-known fact of the benefits of buckwheat, the diet on this product has not only positive aspects, but also its own characteristics.
- So, among the pluses we can note:
- No need for hunger strikes - throughout the day, buckwheat can be consumed an unlimited number of times, but because the main fear of losing weight - a constant feeling of hunger - is not threatened here. Buckwheat diet allows you to eat and lose weight.
- Benefits for the body - Buckwheat is known for its rich in vitamins and macro- and microelements composition. Therefore, the daily use of this product allows not only to reduce weight, but also to normalize the work of many systems, including the gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism and generally positively affect the whole body.
- High efficiency - buckwheat refers to those products, the use of which allows for the shortest possible time to achieve maximum weight loss.
- Appearance enhancement - due to the normalization of the intestines and the removal of toxins, at the end of the diet, losing weight not only does not look exhausted, but also acquires a good complexion, strong nails and hair, and also feels a general surge of strength.
- Save time and money - this product does not require cash costs, and its preparation does not take much time and effort.
- There are some drawbacks, among which are most often noted:
- the need for a uniform diet - It is quite difficult daily, for 7 days, to eat one buckwheat;
- lack of essential substances - no matter how rich and diverse the composition of buckwheat is, it is not enough to cover the daily need of the body for vitamins.
Among the main contraindications of any express diet individual intolerance to the main product may be noted (in this case, buckwheat). Also, one should not forget that sharp weight loss may not be suitable for everyone, and therefore, with imperfect health, chronic or seasonal diseases, it is recommended that you consult a doctor before you go on a diet.
The risk category also includes people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Buckwheat diet is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
Did you know? Buckwheat is one of the few plant products that could not be genetically modified. Also, for growth, it does not need various chemicals, and therefore is one of the most environmentally friendly products.
How to cook buckwheat for a diet
In order to achieve the maximum effect from the diet, buckwheat requires special preparation.
There are several main methods that will help to avoid cooking the product, thereby preserving all the beneficial substances:
- 500 g of buckwheat should be poured into the pan, rinse well and pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. Next, the dishes should be wrapped in a thick towel and left for 3-4 hours - thus steamed buckwheat will retain heat longer. After complete cooling, the product is ready for use. Usually, this method is used in the evening, getting ready porridge for the whole day in the morning.
- A quick cooking option - the steaming process is carried out in a thermos. After washing, the cereal is poured into a thermos (the quantity depends on the volume of the container), after which it is poured with water (in a ratio of 1: 2). Cooking time - 40-50 minutes.
One week diet menu
Usually, a 7-day diet is rigid, and therefore consists exclusively of buckwheat, without the addition of additional products. In this case, meals are held every 4 hours.
The approximate weekly menu is as follows:
- breakfast - 50 g of steamed buckwheat with a glass of green tea (sugar free);
- second breakfast - 50 g of porridge and 1 glass of water;
- lunch - 100 g of cereal and 1 cup of water or tea without sugar;
- dinner - 50 g of buckwheat and 1 cup of green tea.
Important! The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before going to bed.
Diet rules to lose 10 kg
Express diets can not be limited only to buckwheat. However, in order to achieve quick and good results, you should know which products are acceptable for use during weight loss, and which ones are categorically not recommended. Another important factor is drinking - the water balance will ensure good health and a radiant appearance.
What to drink
Due to the fact that buckwheat diet has many variations, you can drink:
- non-carbonated water (preferably mineral) - at least 1.5 liters;
- green or herbal tea without sugar.
If hunger does not leave, it is permissible to add fat-free kefir to the diet - not more than 1 liter per day.
In this case, it is best to use it half an hour before meals or 30 minutes after. Kefir well satisfies hunger, which often torments in the evenings. Also, nutritionists allow 1 cup of coffee per day. But in this case, you will have to give up sugar or cream, and also remember the diuretic properties of this drink.
Is it possible to salt
At the heart of a buckwheat diet is the principle of refusing any flavor enhancers. These include salt, which tends to retain fluid in the body, and sugar or any sauces. If in the middle or at the end of express weight loss “empty” buckwheat is more difficult, you can steam it not in water, but in low-fat kefir. This will give the dish a taste and allow you to withstand the diet until the end of the term.
Important! Salt is allowed for use with constant physical exertion, since its lack in the body in this case can cause chronic fatigue and lead to a decrease in pressure.
What you should not eat with a diet
There is a list of products that are categorically not recommended for use in the process of weight loss, because, taking them as food, all efforts to lose weight are reduced to zero:
- Simple carbohydrateswhich include chocolate bars, pastries or any other confectionery. Such food contains “empty” calories that do not give the body energy, and a feeling of satiety after them has a very short-term effect. Hunger after such snacks will attack even more.
- Frozen Shopping Products - This is primarily due to the method of freezing, which involves the addition of a natural sodium preservative, which allows you to keep the food fresh for as long as possible. By itself, it does not pose any harm, however, as in the case of salt, it is inclined to retain fluid in the body, which is why weight indicators will not decrease even during a period of severe restriction in food.
- Bread - wheat flour also refers to simple carbohydrates. Moreover, fiber is completely absent in bakery products, because during processing, the outer shell, which is the source of this element, is completely removed from the grains. Moreover, the ban applies to black bread, the composition of which is no different from white, and its dark color is provided by the addition of caramel syrup.
- Juices - both packaged and freshly squeezed. In the first case, the product contains too much sugar, which causes the deposition of fat in the body. As for fresh juices, their benefits are much higher, however, all the fiber remains in the cake, and therefore the feeling of fullness does not go anywhere, moreover, the acids contained in many fruits and berries can irritate the stomach and increase hunger.
- Sweet sparkling water - a product that should be excluded from any diet, not just diet. In its composition there is not a single natural product, but it contains a shock dose of sugar. Often drinking soda can lead to diabetes and obesity even in completely healthy people.
- Alcoholic drinks - This applies to both cocktails, which often contain many calories, and clean drinks, which, negatively affecting the liver, slow down the metabolic processes of the whole body. Well, do not forget about the water retention in the body with the systematic use of alcohol and, as a result, the formation of edema.
Among other things, there are psychological factors. So, people seeking to lose weight are advised to avoid buying products in large packages. Perhaps this approach provides savings, but, according to psychologists, food in large packets is eaten several times faster.
What foods can I eat
In addition to the list of prohibited foods, there are foods that can be consumed even while on a diet. Their composition allows not to be afraid for a figure, and taste data - to diversify the daily menu of the same type. First of all, such products are vegetables and some unsweetened fruits - in addition to low calorie content, they provide the body with the necessary vitamins, and also allow you to go through a diet with the least stress.
From fruits, apples, bananas, oranges or avocados are allowed. The only thing is to use them in food is permissible only in the first half of the day and not more than one piece a day. At the same time, they can be eaten either separately from porridge, as a snack, or added directly to buckwheat. Also, the use of any dried fruit is acceptable.
Vegetables are complex carbohydrates and have a rigid structure. Because of this, the body spends a lot of energy for their breakdown, and hence calories. To food All vegetables except potatoes are allowed.. Moreover, you can use them both raw (in the form of salads), and stewed or baked in the oven.
How to get out of a diet
Buckwheat diet not only helps to get rid of extra pounds, but also has a beneficial effect on the general state of health, and therefore the transition to such a diet is acceptable with a regularity of 1 time per month. If the period of 7-14 days is too long, and therefore difficult to refuse many products, you can use a similar menu on fasting days - there is only buckwheat 1-2 days every few weeks.
Did you know? Green buckwheat, which does not undergo heat treatment, is of great benefit. This allows you to save 30% more nutrients in it than in fried.
It is not recommended to adhere to such a diet for more than 10 days, but it should be graduated gradually. Firstly, it will protect the stomach, intestines and liver from heavy loads, and secondly, it will help not to gain extra pounds again.
The process of getting out of the diet takes about a week:
- In the first few days, it is recommended to refuse fatty and high-calorie foods, not to overeat, so as not to stretch the stomach again, and also adhere to the principle of dinner a few hours before bedtime.
- One of the meals should contain buckwheat, which can now be combined with meat (boiled, steamed, stewed), as well as vegetables or fruits.
- Upon completion of the diet to cope with excess calories, as well as tighten the body after losing weight will allow systematic physical activity. Any direction is suitable - dancing, gym, running, swimming, and even ordinary, but regular walking.
- In the first days after the end of the diet, it is better to abandon meat, replacing it with vegetables, fruits, boiled eggs and cottage cheese.
- It is better to abstain from alcohol in general (mindful of its negative effects not only on health, but also on the figure).
- It will not be superfluous to enter a daily calorie count and stick to it in the future.
Despite the effectiveness of the buckwheat diet and the well-known benefits of cereals for the human body, any restrictions on food should be treated with caution. And therefore, during intense weight loss, it is recommended to abandon strong physical exertion and carefully monitor your well-being. And, of course, during the diet you will need to stock up on willpower - it will be it that will allow you to get rid of extra centimeters in the shortest possible time and even, most likely, look after a new wardrobe with a smaller clothing size.