In Ukraine, the sugar production season has begun. Radekhovsky Sugar LLC was the first to launch this season, which began processing sugar beets in the harvest of 2019 on September 1 of this year, Ukrsakhar reports.
According to the agricultural agronomist Vasily Kosar, on the fields of the “Western Bug”, which is the raw material zone of the Radekhovsky Sugar Plant, the collection of sugar beets began on August 27. The total collection area is 8190 ha., And they plan to dig until December 5, depending on weather conditions.
“This year, most sugar mills delayed the start of the new beet processing season to a later date. The reason, as we noted earlier, was unfavorable weather conditions, since in most regions of Ukraine soil crust formed due to hot and dry weather, which complicates the technological process of harvesting.
In other parts of the country, due to heavy rains, the sugar content of root crops decreased, so the farmers stopped field work, expecting an increase in the quality indicators of the crop. It is these factors that influence the slowdown in the collection of sugar beets, ”said Ruslan Yanenko, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Ukrsakhar.
It is expected that the situation in the fields will improve, and most plants will start operating by the end of September. In total, 32 sugar factories will operate in the new season, which is 10 factories less than last year.