On May 14, 2019, a unique and long-awaited event for Russian farmers will take place in Moscow - the Farmer's Life 2019 Salon will be held on the territory of VDNH. As part of the event, a round table will be held on a burning topic.
Participants will discuss various aspects of rural tourism as a driver for the development of rural areas of Russia.
It is noted that everyone is allowed to participate in the discussion. Admission is free, but you should first register on the portal www.rus-selo.ru to get a free electronic ticket. It is reported that the round table will be held in Pavilion No. 75 (Conference Hall No. 215) of VDNH.According to the organizers of the Farmer’s Life Salon-2019 salon, among the participants of the meeting it will be possible to meet and talk with representatives of the Federation Council Committee on Agro-Food Policy and Environmental Management, employees of the Federal Tourism Agency of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, members of the Federal Center for Agricultural counseling and retraining of agricultural personnel ”and representatives of other structures interested in the development of rural tourism.