Twenty Russian brands specializing in the production of meat and minced meat will be subjected to rigorous scrutiny.
The audit process will be led by an independent private company Roskachestvo, whose employees have established themselves on the Russian market as unbiased assessors of the quality of food products on the domestic market.
It is known for certain that not only the Moscow and Moscow-based minced meat production companies will be checked, but also the enterprises of the Sverdlovsk, Leningrad, Pskov, Chelyabinsk regions and the plants of Veliky Novgorod and Kirov.Examining the samples of minced meat taken from the shelves of Russian supermarkets and markets, Roskachestvo evaluators will rely on three dozen criteria to help them examine the DNA of the meat component of the minced meat. As part of the analyzes, the contents of the DNA of chicken, pigs, sheep, rabbits and representatives of cattle will be revealed in the meat. Researchers will also search and calculate the proportion of DNA from corn and soy.
Maximum emphasis will be placed on the external factors of minced meat, its aroma, texture and organoleptic characteristics. The mass fraction of chemical compounds in meat and related ingredients, as well as the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates will be investigated. The results of the evaluation, as well as the suitability of the minced meat of various brands for sale and consumption in food, will be announced at the end of the research process.