Germany and France want to work together on a planned exit from the scandalous massacre of male chickens.
The ministers of agriculture of both countries agreed that it was necessary to stop the practice of killing male chickens.
According to the German ministry, the timetable for the transition from this outdated production model should be agreed. The goal is to abandon the killing of male chickens for economic reasons by the end of 2021.
Both countries want, among other things, to exchange agreements on affordable modern technologies. A German-French meeting with associations of poultry producers, animal and consumer ombudsmen, scientists and sales representatives is scheduled for early next year.
In June of this year, the Federal Administrative Court ruled that in Germany killing of laying hens is permitted only during the transitional period.
However, this practice may continue until hatcheries are not able to determine which sex the fetus is in the egg.
Currently, about 45 million male chicks die annually for economic reasons on the first day of their lives.